•home •lifestyle •fashion •beauty 💗

✨Inspiring you to bring your lifestyle dreams to reality✨

Who we are

At Home with Favour Adeniyi is a creative space where you can find inspiration for creating your dream life. It’s a hub for interior design, lifestyle, home, fashion and beauty finds that will inspire your next purchase and bring you a step closer to that dream balanced and purposeful lifestyle that you desire

Creating beautiful tablescapes

How I designed my modern and chic living room

Meet Favour Adeniyi

Hello and welcome to my blog, At home with Favour Adeniyi♡

I’m Favour Adeniyi, a 23-year-old product designer and content creator who loves to explore the world through design and creativity. I’m fascinated by how products can bring joy to people’s lives, and I want to share the beauty and value of well-designed home and lifestyle products with you.

I believe in living a balanced and fulfilling life, and I’m passionate about inspiring others to do the same. That’s why I created this blog, where I’ll share my passion for interior design, home & lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and more. I hope you’ll find some ideas and inspiration here to create your dream life.

This is a place of good vibes and positivity, and I’m so glad you’re here. I hope your experience here brings you joy, and inspiration ✨

With love,

Favour Adeniyi

coming soon


coming soon 〰️

Discovering Ikigai: a Japanese concept for aligning Passion and Purpose.

June 2024.

Summer Bliss.